Thursday, February 2, 2017

#1 - This Is Out of My Comfort Zone and That's Why I'm Doing It

As a nineteen-year-old college student, my comfort zone is very narrow. My comfort zone is me not leaving myself vulnerable to judgement by expressing my feelings and true struggles. My comfort zone is not upsetting others by telling them my beliefs and thoughts. My comfort zone is allowing other's opinions to influence my own, or how I respond to certain events. These all lead to me not doing things that draw unwanted, opposing attention to myself. Sure, I may crack a joke when I am in a crowd of people so I can get some laughs. Maybe they will think, "Wow that guy is funny. I wanna be his friend." But that's a completely different story from being in a group of non-believers and expressing my beliefs about gay marriage, creation, salvation or abortion.

But hold on, let's pause for a minute. Let me not get ahead of myself. There's a million less serious or controversial things that are incorporated into my comfort zone. In fact, here is a very
non-comprehensive list of the things that make me uncomfortable:

  • Making a blog
  • Small talk with a person I just met
  • Heights
  • The woods at night
  • Being called on in lecture to answer a question
  • Being wrong
  • Being late
  • People asking me what I want to do with my life
  • Being in the middle seat on a long car ride
  • Responding "you too" to the Chick-fil-a worker that just told me to enjoy my meal
  • Eye contact with a stranger across the room
  • Group work with people I don't know
  • Admitting defeat
  • Losing in general
  • Talking about politics
  • Being called out for a wrongdoing
  • Public speaking (this includes crowds of less than 20)
  • Smelling bad
  • Being an outsider / Not fitting in
  • Saying 'no'
  • Talking about God in public
  • Asking for help 
If you're anything like me, or human, I am sure you can empathize with me for at least a few of these. If not, please email or text me with your formula to life. I would love to experience that. Although, maybe that would take the fun away. What's life without at least one instance a day that makes your head tingle, ears turn red and a small bead of sweat run down your back? 

Stepping aside from the jocular mood, I am starting this blog because it is out of my comfort zone. I want to draw away from seeking approval, or being afraid to be laughed at by some. So much of our lives are spent bottling up thoughts and beliefs, not because we don't have strong opinions or views about subjects, but because we are afraid of the reactions we might get from those around us. Not the reactions that strangers will give us, but reactions from those we are close to. Family. Friends. We become timid in expressing our beliefs because our outward appearance to the world as someone who is cool, popular, and fun to be around is more important than letting people know who we really are. It is 100x easier to be comfortable. I strive my life around doing things in a manner that allows me the least amount of stress, worry, and confrontation as possible. Now, avoiding stress and worry, and confrontation is nothing to frown upon. They are very good traits to have, until they become factors that determine how you express your beliefs and present yourself. 

In a world that is so keen on discouraging other's opinions contrary to their own, its is important to allow ourselves to be uncomfortable. When we are uncomfortable we are learning. When we are uncomfortable we have gone outside our one-tracked minds to explore how others think and view things. Finally, when we are uncomfortable we are not allowing ourselves to conform to society, but instead challenge society. Challenge the mainstream with unpopular opinions. Sure, you won't always be right, but isn't that the beauty of freedom? Once we accept that having different opinions is the reason why society has progressed as far as it has, we will no longer be afraid to be proven wrong, or seen as inferior for producing an unpopular opinion.

The Lord has called us to not be timid when presenting his word, and expressing our beliefs. He doesn't say we should be combative to others beliefs, or attempt to shove our beliefs down their throat. It is easy to go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays, then take those thoughts and beliefs of ours, that we are so passionate about for an hour twice a week, and store them in our back pockets until the next church service comes around. However, this is the opposite of what the Gospel, and Salvation was meant for. We are to tell of the good news of Jesus. We are to be representatives of his love, hope, and peace. This includes expressing the points that the Bible makes very clear in contrast to what the world thinks is right. We aren't meant to be the most popular person on Facebook or Twitter. We aren't meant to draw large followings that think we are perfect. We are meant to spread the perfect word of God and show his love to everyone and not be scared to do so. There is nothing wrong with feeling uncomfortable for expressing your unpopular opinion. On a college campus, it probably means you are doing something right. 

Sure, this blog is catered to the college-aged Christian but I hope that doesn't mean that those are the only people that it can appeal to. Those of opposing views I hope can learn something just as much as I hope that the believers are able to accept that not everyone thinks the same and that makes them in no way inferior. Everyone's opinion should be explored on the same level because we are all on the same level in God's eyes. He made us all in his image, not just the Christians.

Also, this is not just meant for touching on sensitive subjects and areas of life where there is much debate politically. We all have enough politics in our life and Facebook feeds. Sometimes maybe I will just talk about life. Share some funny moments. Let you all see into the exciting life that I live (if that is what you are waiting for you are going to be highly disappointed). I am really excited about this, which is actually very surprising, because a blog is something I never thought I would do. Hopefully I can encourage someone out there or make you laugh with my overly incorporated sarcasm. So support this, and share it for all your friends to see. Or maybe I have already bored you with this first post. Well thank you for making it this far, at least you tried. 

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect" Romans 12:2

Dylan Hanley - University of Georgia 
Feb 2, 2017

1 comment:

  1. This is such an amazing post!! I wish you would post more - you are such a great writer and I am interested to learn more about your thoughts and beliefs! :)
